A Word for Confused

There is no direct translation for the word “confused” in French. The closest word, “confondu”, means a messy mixture of “muddled” and “has gotten incorrect”. In conversation although the meaning is understood, it doesn’t quite translate. The next best option to say “je comprends pas” which means “I don’t understand”. While this is slightly more comprehensible …

Belajar (Learning)

Some vignettes from my first week: The first cold shower is the hardest. But it gets way better from there. My roommate and I moved to our beautiful and spacious four bedroom, two bathroom (one Western toilet, one not) home on last Thursday. Gracious does not begin to scratch the surface of how we feel …


Last Sunday, our bus spit us out from Kuala Lumpur to what we thought was going to be a beachside resort in Kota Bharu. When we arrived we realized that we weren’t quite in Kota Bharu, and our hotel wasn’t quite a beachside resort. In contrast to bustling Kuala Lumpur, the feeling of seclusion enveloped …

Oceans Away

Malaysia is a country full of contradictions. It is rapidly modernizing and developing economically yet clings fiercely to its conservative roots (and including its religiosity). It advocates for a strong unified Malaysia, yet it’s policies don’t always clearly indicate such ideologies. In a way this all makes sense - development, both as a nation and …

Penuh (full)

So much has happened since I last posted it’s almost impossible to believe that I’ve lived here for just two weeks. Perhaps this sentiment will be the theme of my Fulbright experience – so much and yet so quick. It’s seemingly impossible to put into words everything that I have done, seen, felt, and saw. …